Garvey Ranch Park Observatory
Sea West updated and modernized the Garvey Ranch Park Observatory in Monterey Park, California.
About the observatory
The Garvey Ranch Park Observatory is in Monterey Park, California, and is operated by the Los Angeles Astronomical Society. Originally constructed in 1965, the Garvey Ranch Park Observatory has played a big part in the community for over 50 years. Inside the dome is an 8” refractor telescope that is used for public outreach during stargazing events. Every Wednesday night the Los Angeles Astronomical Society hosts a public viewing session to connect local community members with the night sky.
20’-6″ Ash-Dome
8″ Refractor
Visual Observing
Public Outreach
Wheelchair Accessible
Project Scope
Sea West partnered with the City of Monterey Park to replace the original dome at the Garvey Ranch Park Observatory. The original dome was installed in 1963 and was made of wood, which served the observatory well for many decades. Sea West was tasked with the removal and demolition of the existing dome and remediation of the masonry to accept a new dome. Sea West assembled and installed a new 20’-6″ Ash-Dome to replace the aging original dome. This new dome will allow many decades of quality use for the Garvey Ranch Park Observatory to continue its well-attended public stargazing programs.