High-quality observatory


New Observatories

New observatory builds go through a consultative process that involves input from all key members of your team, ensuring that your vision is met.

Turn-key observatory design and build packages

Site selection, assessment, and permitting

System integration of telescope, accessories, and software

Observatory management system installation


Existing Observatories

Proper selection of telescope, camera, and observatory automation hardware can be a confusing road to navigate. On a daily basis, we work with the latest and greatest hardware manufacturers across the industry, ensuring your observatory is capable of collecting groundbreaking data.

Observatory dome replacements

Observatory automation retrofits

Observatory equipment and software upgrades

System integration of telescope hardware and software

Service Contracts

After your observatory is constructed and the telescope receives first-light, Sea West is here to provide ongoing technical support, maintenance, and assistance in telescope operation. Through our maintenance packages, your observatory is guaranteed to stay in optimal performance.

Offered to clients with new and existing observatories

Annual site visits for dome maintenance and telescope optics cleaning

Technical support for remote troubleshooting and user training

Preventative maintenance for observatory and telescope components

Additional contract services:

  • Regreasing
  • Leak testing
  • Telescope installation
  • Telescope optics cleaning (mirrors and lenses)
  • Telescope optical alignment
  • Telescope collimation
  • Telescope polar alignment
  • Observatory automation software setup
  • Observatory weather station and all-sky camera installation


Sea West is a team of observatory design and construction experts that understand every project is different, which is why we specialize in customization.

Our team of professionals will work with you every step of the way, from conception to completion, to ensure that your observatory system is designed and built to your exact specifications and needs.

Not sure what solutions is best for you?

Contact us to discuss your project